Tech Support FAQ
Setup & Activation
I want to connect my device to a new Wi-Fi network and holding down the silver button won't reset my unit
I plugged in my sign but nothing is showing on the screens (or there is only text showing on one screen)
First, make sure your outlet has power going to it by testing another device. If you are certain that there is power running to the sign make sure all connections are secure. If one or both screens still do not display text, please contact our support number.
I signed up for my subscription but can't find my activation code
After successful subscription enrollment your activation code will appear on the confirmation page, email, and text message. Please note that you can also login to your portal at waitsigns.com/portal to retrieve it.
I can't find the network name "WaitSign" in my Wi-Fi connections.
If this occurs, unplug your Wait Sign, reboot your smart device (phone, tablet, computer) then plug your Wait Sign back in and try again. If this is still unsuccessful try the process again using a different device.
The WiFi Setup portal window did not automatically open once I connected to the "WaitSign" network
Some devices do not allow an active portal to automatically open. If this occurs open a web browser on the same smart device and type "" into the address bar and press enter. If the portal window still does not appear, try again using a different smart device.
Error: Activation code and Password fields are mandatory.
Make sure to fill in both your activation code (from subscription enrollment) and your wifi password into their corresponding fields.
Error: Could not connect to WiFi network. Please check password and try again.
(1) Make sure your password is correct and note that it IS case sensitive. If you are sure your password is correct, try connecting another device (like your cell phone) to confirm. (2) Please note that your Wait Sign will only connect to 2.4Ghz WiFi networks (3) Make sure you WiFi network is active and transmitting a signal (4) Make sure that there is not an extra space at the end of your password
Error: Invalid Activation Code
Error: Activation code is already in use by another device
I don't see my network name in the list of Wi-Fi networks
(1) Press the "Refresh" button and allow the field to re-populate (2) Unplug and replug the sign and start the process over again to see if your network now is an available option (3) Ensure that your WiFi router is capable of transmitting a 2.4GHz signal
I see duplicate options for my Wi-Fi name in the list of Wi-Fi networks and don't know which to choose
(1) Choose the network name closest to the top of the list as they are sorted by signal strength from high (at the top) to low (at the bottom) (2) If you see your network name and one says 2.4GHz and the other says 5GHz, select the 2.4GHz option
How do I reset or change my Wi-Fi network
How do I get to the different features like Rides, Clock, Countdown?
LayoutHub is an easy page builder that helps merchants quickly set up an online store with any kind of page type by using our library of pre-designed layouts and blocks.
Why are my ride times taking longer than usual to load?
How do I change the timezone on my clock?
Login to your subscriber portal at www.waitsigns.com/portal and select your subscription for the device you want to adjust. Then click the timezone dropdown menu, adjust as needed, and click update. Within 1 minute the time on your sign will automatically adjust.
I'm trying to use my sign but it says "Inactive Subscription"
Please note that an active subscription is needed to run all features of your Wait Sign. If you believe that you have an active subscription please login to your portal at www.waitsigns.com/portal and check on your subscription status and payment method as a monthly payment may have failed. If no apparent issue exists please contact our tech support department.
A new ride is about to open, how do I get this added to my sign?
Please note that you will only receive rides that are located inside the park that your sign represents (unless you have a Park Hopper option). The rides will automatically appear on your sign. Your sign is automatically updated every 24 hours. If you have received an email about a ride update but still dont see it, you can unplug and replug your sign so that it loads instantly.
How do I get to my subscriber portal?
The subscriber portal can be accessed any time at www.waitsigns.com/portal. In the portal you can adjust account information, update payment info, and control various Wait Sign features.